Yes! You are right. I made all my software OpenSource, rewrote everything in Python and released them under the GPL 3.0.

What software is affected:

and, based on my own closed company:


All my software was initially written in Delphi (dead since I heard in 1997 the first time 😄). There is nothing as easy as Delphi to develop applications from “simple” to very “complex”. But after a long journey, many thoughts and the fact, that I started years ago to develop most of my new applications at work in Python, I also started to migrate my private applications to Python.

To learn using wxPython and wxFormBuilder was the first step. With wxFormBuilder you can easily build your GUI and generate the necessary Python code to start implementing the functionality. Automated deployment using GitHub Actions is a common pattern.


I don’t want to have in future a website which represents my software. If my Readme of each repository is good enough, you will find them using Google or any other search engine. Most important is, that I much prefer to use my time more in developing instead of writing, SEO stuff etc.

If you like my software, give it a ⭐ and share it. If you don’t like my software, that’s fine too. Maybe you have a suggestion for improvement. Share it with me.