This is my second article about frAIday (first one)

It was easy today, not to work with any AI service today. Why? I am on vacation! And against my nature at work, I try for being offline as much as possible. Therefore no service supported by any AI was used.

Did I miss AI?

Again, simple answer: No! Isn’t it?

During that day I used my smartphone once and ordered an article using my PC. Sure in the background there run a lot of services using AI to predict my next steps, try to sort my order into a “hey, recommend this the next time” queue.

For me, I do not need those analysis, because in the past years, no predicted recommendation was done the right way. I try to not build up any bubble. Amazon will probably count me on a “anomaly bubble”.

I recapped my different searches and found out, that the topics were too different: subscription of a magazine, information about plugs for solar panels and the research for an encyclopedia which fits my own wishes, how I would explain the world to kids.

But now something really interesting started to happen.

AI would help me, if…

…the encyclopedia would be online (I looked for an offline one, also known as printed version 😄). Probably my experience of ordering the subscription of the magazin would have been more user friendly, if this company had used any AI optimization (it felt like the 90’s 😄) for their shop. And my research for plugs for solar panels had asked me two or three facts, like manufacturer, etc. I had probably got my answer faster.

But none of those criterias were fullfilled so I can be sure, that MY experience today was complete without AI. The analysis in the background was probably including any AI, but not proactively used.

And for sure, GitHub Copilot will also not adjust its profile about me, because its deactivated. Not automatically but manually some minutes ago. Exact at the time, before I had start writing.

What a good frAIday. Hope I will ignore the suggested movies or series in the next minutes 🤖

On my next frAIday I have to work again. It would be interesting and maybe I can get others to do a frAIday by this time.