It’s close for the first monthly, that I released all my software as Open Source. I have to say: WOW!

I did the release of the following software:


I received less feedback than expected, but more than nothing. Sure, without promoting it, who will find it? Without any analytics, how should I know, how often it was downloaded? But this is exactly what I want to do. I don’t want to start any marketing campaign, which will cost money or add any analytics into the software. I don’t care. Really?

I am a human. At least most of the time, I think I am a human. Of course I want feedback to the result of investing hours of my sparetime in a peace of code. Of course I want to have an answer to the question, if it was the right decision to make everything Open Source? Are the features, I implemented, the right ones?

It’s interesting to get this feedback, but where is it?

Oh my god - it’s Open Source!

After this one month of having all Open Source, I received feedback. After investing more hours of improvements in any kind of my software, I received feedback. And the feedback was amazing 😄!

  • Oh my god, you have released everything Open Source!
  • Wow, you are so brave!
  • Where did you get the time?

and many more. And of course not to forget that the first people have already made a small donation.

Give me feedback

I want to have your feedback. It can be so simple, if everyone who likes my software will give me a ⭐ at the repositories in Github. Or write me a short message or simply recommends my software to others. But please do not forget to tell me, why you don’t like my software. If your feedback can help to improve it, tell me. Nothing is worse than criticizing or rejecting something without making a constructive suggestion.